Fedora Silverblue 41: Ultimate Post Installation Guide

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We have all seen and at some point probably used those “10 things to do after installing Fedora (Workstation)” guides. Well, this a LurkerLabs take on it, specific to Fedora Silverblue and now updated for version 41.

After a fresh install, this getting started guide will help you rapidly set up Fedora Silverblue. While the package selection towards the bottom is naturally highly opinionated, I still feel there is value in sharing my approach, maybe less as a general recommendation and more as inspiration.

Generally, the concept of Silverblue strongly favors installing applications as flatpak, AppImage, using a toolbox/distrobox or any other container format really. Basically, in principle, one should give preference to anything that avoids layering packages onto the base system and reserve that option as a last resort solution only. With that, the decision to layer packages in this guide was made consciously, either because of necessity due to Fedora’s restrictions on their own repositories, which for legal reasons prevents certain packages to be shipped in the base image (codecs, proprietary drivers), or to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. thumbnail support, VPN clients).

Silverblue 41 Quirks

Scaling Issues

One thing you might notice right out of the gate is the new default scaling behavior. At least on all of my devices the default scaling factor was higher than it used to be and higher than my liking, causing everything to be too big.

Scaling for the desktop session can be changed in gnome settings

While this can easily be fixed for the current desktop session from within the settings app, the new default scaling factor is also applied to the GDM login screen. If you are like me and this annoys you, I will show you a way to fix this later. As I am using an app from flathub to change the GDM config, the relevant section will be located in the Flatpak section of this guide.

Pasting into the new Terminal

Fedora/Silverblue 41 replaces Gnome Terminal with the awesome Ptyxis, which is great for its first-class support for containers like the ones used by toolbox or distrobox. There is a bug in Ptyxis however, that prevents users from pasting into the terminal with the shift + ctrl + v shortcut after launching the terminal. You need to either chose paste from the menu once or open a new tab for the shortcut to work thereafter for the current session. The bug has only been fixed in version 47.1, which as of the time of writing this has not been pushed to the repos yet. Depending on when you read this, this may or may not affect you.

After opening the terminal, you might need to use paste from the menu once or open a new tab to be able to subsequently use the shortcut shift + ctrl + v for paste commands from this guide into the terminal.

Set Host Name

hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>

This will set the pretty, static and transient host names for your Fedora Silverblue machine. When entering a pretty host name with spaces or symbols, make sure to wrap it in quotes like "Sam's Notebook". The static host name will be derived from that and have its spaces and special characters removed, whereas the transient one will then be automatically set based on the static one. They can also be set individually with the --pretty --static --transient flags, respectively.

To see the host names your system is using, enter the hostnamectl status command.

Make sure TRIM is working

Check if TRIM is enabled

As we have most likely installed Fedora Silverblue on a SSD, we check if TRIM is enabled. You might find TRIM is not working if you have opted to encrypt your data when installing Fedora Silverblue.

lsblk --discard

Look for the output in the DISC-GRAN and DISC-MAX columns. Non-zero values indicate that the device supports discards. If you have opted to encrypt your disk during installation of Fedora Silverblue, your output might look like the one below.

Sample Output from lsblk -D
NAME                                          DISC-ALN DISC-GRAN DISC-MAX DISC-ZERO
zram0                                                0        4K       2T         0
nvme0n1                                              0      512B       2T         0
├─nvme0n1p1                                          0      512B       2T         0
├─nvme0n1p2                                          0      512B       2T         0
└─nvme0n1p3                                          0      512B       2T         0
  └─luks-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx        0         0        0         0

As we can see, the physical device nvme0n1 and all its volumes support discards, yet the encrypted luks volume on nvme0n1p3 does not. This can further be verified by manually issuing a trim command with sudo fstrim /, which we expect in this case to throw an error message.

Allow discard requests to be passed through

By default, luks encrypted file systems do not support passing discard requests due to security concerns. For example, the crypttab man page states:

Allow discard requests to be passed through the encrypted block device. This improves performance on SSD storage, but has security implications.

For most users, the benefits of TRIM outweigh these security concerns.

The easiest way to enable TRIM on Linux is to pass the discard option in /etc/crypttab. As a matter of fact, if we check the contents of said file with sudo cat /etc/crypttab, we will see that the discard flag is already present. This is default for Fedora, so why is it TRIM not working?

Unlike Fedora Workstation, Silverblue does not seem to parse the crypttab file into the initramfs image used for booting the kernel. There is actually a long-standing bug report about this.

Now, we could fix this by adding /etc/crypttab into the initramfs image ourselves (rpm-ostree initramfs --enable --arg=-I --arg=/etc/crypttab), but this would cause rpm-ostree to rebuild the initramfs on every deployment.

We replicate the contents of /etc/crypttab and parse it as kernel arguments instead, thus leaving the initramfs untouched.

rpm-ostree kargs --append=rd.luks.options=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx=discard

When pasting the command, make sure to use the actual UUID for the encrypted luks volume instead of xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Reboot and verify TRIM is enabled

After a reboot, lsblk -D should report non-zero values and sudo fstrim / should work.

If something goes wrong, kernel arguments can be removed with rpm-ostree kargs --delete=KEY=VALUE or interactively inspected and modified with an editor rpm-ostree kargs --editor.

Btrfs Mount Options

First, we check how our Btrfs volumes are currently mounted.

mount | grep btrfs

From that output, we can observe two flags, which we will take a closer look at: compress=zstd:1 and relatime.

One neat feature of Btrfs, the default file system in Fedora, is its support for transparent compression. When enabled, files are automatically compressed when being written to the disk. Compressing data before writing it can be both: beneficial and disadvantageous to performance, depending on the workload. In any case, however, it will reduce the amount of write cycles to our SSD as well as reduce write amplification. With that, we will leave it enabled with the zstd algorithm and on the lowest level (1).

There are countless discussions online, suggesting that one should use compress-force with zstd, as otherwise files that would benefit from compression could be falsely marked as incompressible. While valid, new kernels come with improved heuristics to better determine (in)compressibility and go further than trying to compress the first chunk only. The heuristics aim to do a few quick statistical tests on the compressed data to avoid wasting CPU cycles on compression that would eventually turn out to be inefficient anyway.

Compression algorithms like zstd usually have internal detection of incompressible data built in too, so even if forcing Btrfs to compress all data, incompressible files would still be skipped by zstd, but this could lead to more overhead as the compression is done in another thread and has to write the data anyway.

Ultimately, the choice is yours, but I for myself opted to stick to the defaults here and not force compression.

The other flag we wanted to look at was the access timestamp one. Simplifying a lot here, but basically, whenever a file is accessed, its associated access timestamp is updated. In reality, it’s a bit more complex, as Linux nowadays defaults to a relative access time stamp (relatime), but to keep it short: Any performance benefits from disabling access time stamps might at this point be anecdotal only. As I do not have any use case for access time stamps (and probably neither do you), disabling them still saves on unnecessary writes to the SSD. Hence, that’s what I decided to do.

We disable the atime attribute and leave compression enabled to avoid unnecessary write cycles to our SSD. We do not, however, enforce compression as newer kernels have improved heuristics.

sudo sed -i 's/compress=zstd:1/noatime,compress=zstd:1/' /etc/fstab

Update Firmware

sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force && \
sudo fwupdmgr get-updates && \
sudo fwupdmgr update

Disable Repositories

sudo sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/' \
  /etc/yum.repos.d/_copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:phracek:PyCharm.repo \
  /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-cisco-openh264.repo \
  /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo \
  /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver.repo \

We are then going to (re-)enable the cisco-openh264 repository, as we are going to need it to satisfy dependencies when installing ffmpeg for Firefox hardware acceleration as well as video thumbnail support.

sudo sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/' \

Add RPM Fusion Repos

For legal reasons, Fedora Silverblue ships with free and open-source software only. Since we want proper codec support and require proprietary binaries for full hardware acceleration, we add the RPM Fusion repositories.

rpm-ostree install \
  https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm \
  https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Make sure to reboot after adding the RPM Fusion repositories!

The way RPM Fusion gets added ties it to a specific version of Fedora (Silverblue). This isn’t a problem in itself, but will cause issues when rebasing (upgrading your distribution) to a future version once released. To fix this and remove the dependency on the specific version, we need to execute another step.

rpm-ostree update \
--uninstall $(rpm -q rpmfusion-free-release) \
--uninstall $(rpm -q rpmfusion-nonfree-release) \
--install rpmfusion-free-release \
--install rpmfusion-nonfree-release

Enable GPU Hardware Acceleration


rpm-ostree install intel-media-driver

The intel-media-driver package supports all platforms from 2014 (Broadwell, 5th Gen) onward. If you are on an older platform, you need to install libva-intel-driver instead. In that case, you can skip the next steps and move on to the next chapter.

Since Intel 9th Gen (Skylake and later), Intel GPUs use firmware (GuC and HuC) that have power, performance benefits, and functionalities, such as scheduling and media offloading.

Intel explains it this way:

GuC is designed to perform graphics workload scheduling on the various graphics parallel engines.

HuC is designed to offload some of the media functions from the CPU to GPU. These include bitrate control and header parsing. (…) Using the HuC will save unnecessary CPU-GPU synchronization.

For Gen11+ GPUs, GuC/HuC firmware is loaded by default. You can check that it’s active with the following two commands.

sudo dmesg | grep "HuC"
sudo dmesg | grep "GuC"

For older GPUs, GuC/HuC firmware won’t be activated by default. It is possible to enable loading of the firmware using a kernel parameter. It can be activated by issuing the following command: rpm-ostree kargs --append=i915.enable_guc=3

Manually enabling GuC / HuC firmware loading will taint the kernel. Moreover, enabling GuC/HuC firmware loading can cause issues on some systems. You can disable it if you experience freezing (for example, after resuming from hibernation) with the following command: rpm-ostree kargs --delete=i915.enable_guc=3

Hardware Acceleration and Video Playback Support in Mozilla Firefox

To achieve hardware acceleration in Firefox on Fedora Silverblue, we need to install the relevant codecs. One could just use the flatpak version, which comes with full codec support and does not require us to layer any additional packages. Unfortunately, due to the sandboxed nature of flatpaks, for now, this introduces a couple of issues, for example, with password managers. Also, it’s not possible to install and manage gnome extensions from their extension website (which shouldn’t be a huge concern though, as I would recommend the wonderful Extension Manager for that purpose anyway). Unlike the Chrome flatpak, FIDO and U2F security keys are working with Firefox flatpak,

If you like, you could just override remove the firefox and firefox-langpacks packages and install the org.mozilla.firefox and org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full packages form flathub instead.

Given that we will be installing ffmpegthumbnailer for video thumbnail support later on anyway, which also requires ffmpeg codecs, we can either supplement ffmpeg-free (shipped with Fedora) with libavcodec-freeworld or instead replace Fedora’s ffmpeq-free with full ffmpeq. As ffmpeq-free in combination with libavcodec-freeworld should cover most cases, that’s what I have opted to go with.

rpm-ostree --install libavcodec-freeworld


If you need to enable hardware acceleration for a GPU other than Intel (e.g. AMD or Nvidia), please see here.

Override Layered Packages (optional)

rpm-ostree override remove gnome-tour

Layer Additional Packages


rpm-ostree install distrobox       

Add Video Thumbnail Support

rpm-ostree install ffmpegthumbnailer

Gnome Tweak Tool

rpm-ostree install gnome-tweak-tool

Add a libadwaita theme for GTK3 Apps

rpm-ostree install adw-gtk3-theme

HEIF and AVIF Support

rpm-ostree install heif-pixbuf-loader \
                   libheif-freeworld \

Add Bluetooth AptX Codec

rpm-ostree install pipewire-codec-aptx


Add Flathub Remote

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak remote-modify --enable flathub

Remove Fedora Flatpak Repository

Fedora and thus Silverblue ships with its own flatpak repository.

For the sake of consistency, I prefer to use flatpaks from flathub only. We are therefore replacing Fedora’s flatpaks with packages from flathub and then removing Fedora’s flatpak repo.

flatpak install --reinstall flathub $(flatpak list --app-runtime=org.fedoraproject.Platform --columns=application | tail -n +1 )
flatpak remote-delete fedora

At this point, the only thing listed for removal after executing the last command should be the runtime. If that’s the case, go ahead and hit “y” to confirm. If there are any other applications listed, run flatpak install --reinstall flathub name.of.application and try again.

Install Additional Flatpaks from Flathub

flatpak install flathub org.gnome.FileRoller \
                        com.github.tchx84.Flatseal \
                        io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid \

Gnome Extensions

AppIndicator Support

Add AppIndicator support (tray icons) with a gnome extension. Either copy the command below or use the Extension Manager from flathub.

gdbus call --session \
           --dest org.gnome.Shell.Extensions \
           --object-path /org/gnome/Shell/Extensions \
           --method org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.InstallRemoteExtension \

Battery Health Charging (for supported Laptops)

Battery Health Charging allows quickly setting custom charging thresholds to improve battery life.

gdbus call --session \
           --dest org.gnome.Shell.Extensions \
           --object-path /org/gnome/Shell/Extensions \
           --method org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.InstallRemoteExtension \

Depending on your device’s manufacturer, additional dependencies are required and need to be layered. See the author’s wiki for details.

Legacy (GTK3) Theme Auto Switcher

This extension changes the GTK3 theme to light/dark variant based on the system color scheme. This is especially helpful when using the adw-gtk3-theme.

 gdbus call --session \
           --dest org.gnome.Shell.Extensions \
           --object-path /org/gnome/Shell/Extensions \
           --method org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.InstallRemoteExtension \

Font Configuration

I prefer to use Inter as default font for the user interface. Other popular choices are Clear Sans (intel-clear-sans-fonts) as well as the Roboto (google-roboto-fonts) and Noto font families. Noto is actually already installed as it has been the default since F36 except for the Gnome Desktop which defaults to Cantarell.

rpm-ostree install rsms-inter-fonts

After rebooting, fonts can be changed in Gnome Tweaks, for example from Cantarell to Inter.

Font legibility especially for Inter can further be improved with stem darkening.

sudo echo "FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=\"cff:no-stem-darkening=0 autofitter:no-stem-darkening=0\""  | tee -a /etc/enviroment


  1. Thanks for a helpful guide. Finally someone that understand Silverblue. I followed most of it, but my motherboard is 2012, so the hardware acceleration won’t help me. I just wanted to ask if you could layer less packages? I keep reading that layering increases the risk of breakage.

    • Hello Michael!
      You can layer as many or as few packages as you want. Given that some things just cannot come with the base image (for legal reasons), layering stuff is almost a necessity. As a general rule of thumb and in line with the philosophy behind having an atomic OS, you should generally avoid installing stuff into the base image – unless, that is, you have a good reason to or simply no other option. Layering stuff itself is not bad per se, it’s just in most use cases not the most beneficial or elegant way to go about it. Yet, I would not be overly concerned about it. Layering packages causes updates to take slightly longer, as the layers need to be re-applied every time. In terms of breakage: Not really. If the layers cannot be applied, it just won’t build the image, but not break anything. And even if something ever were to break, you can always boot back into the previous state without losing any data.
      All said, however, if you want to avoid layering packages or simply layer less, you could take a look at the ublue project. They provide custom silverblbue images with a lot of stuff added to it.

  2. Thanks for the guide.

    I did try ublue for awhile, but I left it because neovim wasn’t part of the base install.

  3. Thanks for the guide! I did the configs for Silverblue 39 and it worked fine, but when I upgraded to 40 the boot hangs before cypt password to error:

    ext3: Unknown parameter ‘subvol’
    ext2: Unknown parameter ‘subvol’
    ext1: Unknown parameter ‘subvol’

    Could this be because of btrfs settings?

    • Hey Rauno!
      It looks like grub cannot open your root volume which should be btrfs with subvolumes on luks. Whatever it’s trying to open, it’s trying to mount it as ext2/3/4 while still apparently trying to apply the mount options for btrfs, like subvolume. Obviously, that wouldn’t work as ext does not support subvolumes, but that’s a symptom anyway, not the actual issue.

      Just to get this out of the way: discard flags and noatime wouldn’t cause this. As a matter of fact, if this is before luks decryption (you are getting this error before entering your disk encryption password, aren’t you?) those flags wouldn’t even be applied yet. I can also confirm, that it’s working just fine for me with fedora/silverblue 40. I did upgrade first and then a fresh install to verify each step to make sure the guide is still current.

      My best guess is that grub fails to find the luks volume and thus subsequently the root volume which would be on it, yet requiring LuksOpen first.

      Would you mind posting the contents of your /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab and your /boot/grub.cfg please?

      Does booting into 39 still work?

    • Thank you very much for the update!
      Apologies, I meant to respond to you on the fedora forum, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Crucially, on there you did not mention, that it never went to decrypt the luks partition. Even though one could piece it together from the grub log and the kernel arguments, I don’t think anyone picked up on it. I am still at a loss, why that was happening though. It’s odd, that your crypttab was empty. Mind checking crypttab again, now that you are on 40? I am almost certain it’s not just an empty file this time around.
      Yet, this still doesn’t explain the issue really, as rpm-ostree doesn’t regenerate the initramfs, nor does it parse crypttab (hence the need to add discard as kargs). Further, the UUIDs for your luks-partition as well as your root mount were the same in grub.cfg for 39 and 40.
      Anyway, I am sorry, I could not solve this for you. It’s certainly a curious thing to happen.

      • Ah, just a random thought: You wouldn’t happen to be using a HP device, would you? I have only ever seen the error message regarding the out of memory stuff on some HP devices. The reason being that grub only uses sub 4 GB address space to boot and the UEFI on some HP devices apparently do not make a whole lot of memory available there. But then again, if the F40 image needed more memory to boot than F39, then one would expect a fresh install of F40 to still have the same issue and apparently it’s working now…

        • Laptop is Lenovo, and according to Nautilus /etc/crypttab is binary file. But anyways, grub error vanished after reinstall so all is fine, thanks!

        • Laptop is Lenovo, /etc/crypttab is binary file according to Nautilus. But grub error vanished after reinstall so all is fine now. Thank you anyway for your effort!

  4. Hello!
    First of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge through this excellent guide, which I am following. However, when I try to execute commands with rpm-ostree, I encounter the following error: “error: This system was not booted via libostree. Currently, most rpm-ostree commands only work on ostree-based host systems.” Could you please tell me what causes this issue and how to fix it? This is a fresh installation that I have just performed.

    Thank you very much for your help!

  5. This is about where I started but then started looking at the Universal Blue varieties that are based on Silverblue. If one likes Silverblue they should definitely look at Bluefin, Bazzite, and Aurora. The codecs, drivers, distrobox, Homebrew for Linux, and sensible gnome extensions are all baked in already. I had to install nothing to have all of the features working on my desktop with video feedback that typically requires a codec install.

  6. I was having issues with installing codecs as I wanted to use the full ffmpeg, and tried to run the instructions directly from RPM fusion and got so many errors.

    It would be good if you could include instructions for those who want to install the full ffmpeg, as it from some searching around, I found this thread https://github.com/fedora-silverblue/issue-tracker/issues/461 which says at the bottom for F40 to do:

    rpm-ostree override remove \
    ffmpeg-free \
    libavcodec-free \
    libavdevice-free \
    libavfilter-free \
    libavformat-free \
    libavutil-free \
    libpostproc-free \
    libswresample-free \
    libswscale-free \
    –install ffmpeg

  7. The codec installation command is wrong, it should be rpm-ostree install libavcodec-freeworld; without the dash-dash-install

    Nice guide !

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